Saturday, November 5, 2011

Advocacy Project: My Political Representatives

This week's post is identifying our political representatives. I will be identifying my Wisconsin representatives, as I am still a registered voter back home and participate via absentee ballots. I will hopefully eventually be a Minnesota resident when I get an awesome job and can move to the Twin Cities, but for now, Wisconsin it is!
The President of the United States is none other than Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, who is a Democrat. You won't have much luck getting in touch with our Commander-in-Chief on your own, but you can contact the White House if you'd like to try to reach him. Our Wisconsin senators are Herb Kohl (Democrat) and Ron Johnson (Republican). Mr. Kohl can be contacted via his website, and Mr. Johnson can be by his website as well. My two State House representatives are Chris Danou (Democrat) and Dean Knudson (Republican). Chris can be reached by his email, and Dean can also be reached by his email. My Democratic State Senate representative is Kathleen Vinehout who can be reached via her email. Unfortunately my other State Senate representative is Republican Sheila Harsdorf, who earlier this year we tried to get out of office in a recall election. A former high school teacher of mine, Shelly Moore, ran as a Democrat against her. We were unsuccessful is removing Sheila from her abusive post of power in the Senate. You can email Sheila if you'd like to ask her why she has decided to turn her back on the residents she supports. Our Wisconsin Governor is Republican Scott Walker, who has gotten his fair share of media attention for his decisions for the state regarding union rights. If you would like to contact Mr. Walker, you may email him.

1 comment:

  1. I've been a resident of Minnesota most of my life. Wisconsin certainly has had its share of political leaders in the news over the past year. I will be interested to learn more about your representatives and the type of advocacy project that you are interested in pursuing. Great job Caleb!!!!
