Antiquing in the form a verb is defined as looking for or shopping for antique furniture, articles, etc. Junking is finding discarded items that others have decided are trash and finding new purposes for that item or restoring it to usable condition. A flea market is usually held outdoors, where antiques, used household goods, and other oddities are sold. A thrift shop is a shop that sells used items, especially clothing and household goods, usually to benefit a charitable organization. Upcycling is the process of converting waste materials or useless
products into new materials or products of better quality or a higher
environmental value. A resale shop is similar to a thrift shop or resale buys their items from others and then resells them.
All of the above terms are very important to environmental health because they are all instances where others are being responsible and recognizing that items do not have to be at the end of their life cycle and can have lots of other purposes besides their original one, or even be restored at a reasonable cost to be completely usable.
There is Father Time Antqiune store at 395 S Lake Ave Duluth, MN 55802. They can be contacted by phone at (218) 625-2379 but do not have a website listed for their business. Jadco Special Haulers is a junkyard you can go digging through at >4011 Rehbein Road, Duluth, MN 55803. They can be contacted by phone at (218) 724-5538 and do not have a website listed. HERE is the link to a website that posts flea market locations based on the area you search, so that would be a good way to keep up on where some flea markets are. Goodwill is a local thrift shop that is located on Garfield Ave and can be contacted by phone at (218) 722-3050. You would be able to practice upcycling at any of the locations litsed because all you have to do is find some trash from those places and practice upcycling with them. An example of a resale shop in Duluth would be Plato's Closet located at the Burning Tree Plaza which can be contacted at (218) 733-9455 .
I do like to go to Plato's Closet and Goodwill on occasion, along with other stores such as Savers. These stores can be great places to get deals, steals, and unreals! Buying used instead of new sometimes just makes sense because of the way so much older stuff is built to last as opposed to our current mass produced cheap stuff that constantly breaks creating more waste for the world.One awesome project I found on Junk Market Style was a Reel Bird Feeder. I thought this project was an awesome deal because movie reels are a prime example of stuff that has limited uses in modern day society with so much new technology, but this person found such an awesome reuse for a large and bulky item that would take up a lot of room in a landfill or salvage yard. Another great project using the same item, a movie reel, can be found on the site too, a Reel Plant Holder. You could probably think of endless things to put inside these reels once you get thinking about it (i.e. maybe even candles?!?) Being a sucker for plant life and well placed greens in a house I found this Planter idea very nicely done too, as they took old metal boxes that didn't serve a purpose anymore and simply placed a plant in and placed them in a good spot in the house.

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