Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Eye Opener: CSPI

I decided to use the Eating Green Calculator for this activity. The calculator found that my impact is that I use .4 acres to feed animals, 8.6 pounds of fertilizer to grow feed, .1 pounds of pesticides to grow feed, and create 2323 pounds of manure from the animals I eat.

Based on the amounts of servings I was willing to cut out of my diet I would be able to reduced acre use by .3, leaving only .1 acres being used by me. Pesticides would not go down at all, but pounds of fertilizer would decrease by 6.1. Pounds of manure would drastically decrease by the amount of 1839. These results would also prevent potential diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses related to these portion decisions.

I did decide to take the pledge, because it is such a simple lifestyle change that can have such a huge impact on the world. Simply changing portion sizes and food choices is something I have control over, while creating a new planet with resources or curing myself of heart disease or cancer would be much more difficult. Being sure the animals were raised in humane ways is also an important thing to look at, as many large chains have very disgusting practices for raising their livestock and other animals.


  1. You should like post at the end of the semester how well you kept up with your pledge. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts. I myself wasn't able to because of technology problems.

  2. I agree that many places do have disgusting ways of raising their livestock. But at the same time, I can't or not willing to give up meat. Maybe it's because I don't actually realize how bad the living conditions are. I'm interested in seeing that move Dr. V was talking "Food Inc."? Then maybe I will be motivated to change.

  3. @Sarra I've already started cutting it out! This semester I've already kind of been switching eating habits up anyway so I just added these new goals and so far so good. I am trying to put some weight on though, so I need to make sure I'm getting the balance I need to maintain a healthy body for working out. @Andrea Meat is delicious, but also as Dr. V said there are responsible alternatives from farmers that do not do dangerous things to their cattle. Growing up on a dairy farm and being fed the cows we had butchered right off our farm spoiled me when I was younger since I knew the background of the animal I was eating. And yes, if you saw some of the practices used in some slaughterhouses or where they raise cattle/chickens you might lose your appetite in general for a little while..it's some sketchy stuff.

  4. I have been more conscious about the things I have been eating lately as well. Old habits die hard though, right? I am impressed that your goal seems to be going so well. I have to remember to think of how bad some of the things are for me and the environment. Maybe I should watch "Food Inc." as well, to see if it will help me with some of my bad habits!
