December 12,
Senator Herb
U.S. Senate
330 Hart Senate
Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Washington, DC 20510
The bill you
have sponsored will greatly impact not only the economical stimulant into the
automotive industry that is needed, but will provide assistance in the fight to
reduce air pollution caused by vehicle emissions. As a concerned citizen, I
believe that not only my health, but of society as a whole should be
concentrating on making healthy choices for future generations and us. This
bill will ease the production of emissions caused by vehicles that are not fuel-efficient
and promote the use of new hybrid and electric technologies.
In 1990, 54 million metric tons of
emissions were emitted from mobile sources. These emissions are full of harmful
chemicals that are detrimental to health. Over
74 million people are exposed to high levels of at least one of the pollutants
found in emissions, which include carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds,
oxides of nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, and lead. All of these
can have adverse health effects, and some other lower level pollutants from
vehicles are known carcinogens, such as benzene and formaldehyde.
Opponents of
this bill may say that we do not need excessive spending in the automotive
market or that this bill has other motives regarding the industry. Even though
it may have some benefits for them, the real benefits are felt by all of
society by being able to live in a healthier and cleaner environment not having
to worry about these dangers posed by air pollution and vehicle emissions.
I appreciate
your continued support and sponsorship of this bill protecting us from the
harmful effects of emissions.
Caleb Taplin
Great letter Caleb! You covered both sides of the issue well. It is truly scary the things that are in the air we breath in each and every day. Lower these emissions will hopefully make our world a better place to live for not only us, but our future generations.