Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Read 'n' Seed 1: Trash Talk

Hello readers! The book I selected to read for the Read 'n' Seed project is titled Trash Talk. This book will teach you ways to save your community and our Earth. It takes everyday items that you would usually throw away and gives you ideas to reuse them.

I chose this book because it clearly relates to the theme of my blog, which is preventing contamination. Reusing items conceived to be trash with prevent these items from being dumped into lakes, rivers, landfills, and further contaminating our environment and ecosystems.

If you proceed to click HERE I have provided the author's website, where you can learn more about them, their message, and what drives them to do what they do. HERE is a link to Amazon where you can read some of the reviews for the book. Additionally HERE is a link to Barnes and Noble where you may also read some reviews.

The book is 188 pages long and is divided up into four sections, which is how I will be breaking up my posts. I really look forward to learning lots of new information and sharing it with all of you so we can all work on our bad habits of instinctively throwing items away!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Caleb! I am looking forward to hearing about this book! Americans are very wasteful so it is good for everyone to find ways to reduce waste.
    Your blog is really well done! Your page title is different from your link though, you may have done this on purpose but I wanted to ask just in case you just didn't notice it.
